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air rifle sling


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As above. I'd just get some screws and whack em in the wood. It's the neatest way to do it! If you're nervous about wrecking your shop, you might be able to get a gunshop to do it for you for a bit of money (£15 ish?). They're gonna be pros at it and will be able to do it easily enough. If you're really nervous about doing it, how about treating it purely like a break barrel and get something like this



the problem is going to be the butt end though. nice wooden stocks don't grip anything that well, so if you just use straps at the back it's going to slip eventually.

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you screw it into the wood not the cylinder? just do it, get some expensive ones, the quick release type, they are barely noticable.


Sorry what I meant was the wood under the the cylinder is no way near as thick as the length of a stud from what i have seen, but from reading the other replies it is apparent that you can get studs for the job.


thanks for the replies



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