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Greylag Goose Bangers any recipies that work ?

Pole Star

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Has any one got any ideas for goose sausages that work ? I can shoot Greylags every day where I live but I want a decent sausage recipe that you don't have to put 80% pork with em to make them tasty & edible ? I have tried a few but so far they are not really to my liking !

Any help on this would be most helpful .

                                                                 Thanks Pole Star

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What recipe were you using?


Have you tried using the fat from inside the birds chopped fine along with the skin and some rusk that has been moistened with port/beer/cider/stock....

Thanks henry d I will try that one ! I have found Greylags a bit on the fat free side or perhaps I tend to over look it when just taking the skin off off the breast & then taking the breast meat from the bone . Soaking the meat & rusk in one of 3 of my favorite drinks sounds all the better :rolleyes: I might even try them in the smoker & will let you know how it goes later in the season . Many thanks . :good:


ps Would there be any advantage by including the hearts & livers in the mince ? seems a shame to wast them !


pps cant remember the recipes I used & I tried a one or two experimental 's but was disappointed ! .

Edited by Pole Star
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my missus would eat the heart n liver flash fried in a dusting of flour rather than waste em .2 mins each side nice n easy

Good idea clakk I have eaten them fried too & there is nothing wrong with then ! I plan this season to try goose liver pate , Hendersons put a recipe for rabbit liver pate which I think should work with the geese livers ok .


Sadly I heard most or all of the geese from the goose cull up here were buried ! shame as I am sure a lot of young birds would have been among them .

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