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Days that start well, continue well. Days that start bad...

henry d

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Yesterday I finished an essay early and headed off with the rifle as it needed to be zeroed. No fields cut where I was going to do it, it started to rain and I had forgotten the range finder.


Today it is sunny, I remembered my range finder (and everything else), there were 2 fields to choose from and the clover-leafing was a joy to behold. this afternoon I am going to the premier of a friends movie at the local cinema and I`m looking forward to that. Hopefully a fox will pass near my high seat tonight and it will make it a belter of a day.



Soo, do you find days go like that with you?

Edited by henry d
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yup indeed I have days at work where every job will be hastle and the profit is 2 and 6 pence and others where you take a serious amount and everything goes swimmingly.


Today so far its going well and the only thing making me question sitting up a high seat tonight is the amount of rain coming down!

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