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Whodunnit part 2


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I've been on feeding duty this week and made my last rounds tonight.


Was walking the birds in as I do every night and found a gaping bloody hole in the wire netting. It's about 16 inches wide and 12 inches high. You may notice that only one or two strands are actually broken. Instead the wraps at every inch have been unwound! How the hell??? At the bottom of the hole the wire is well bunched up suggesting a bit of traffic.


The hole was not there last night, I actually removed a dead bird from inside the pen close to the same spot, and there are remains of a carcass just outside the hole which were not there last night either.



As I was repairing the hole I discovered the electric fence is working fine, I was sure they must have heard me in the village two miles away!!!!!


I've set some wires and will go down at first light.


I thoroughly checked inside the pen, shotgun in hand, before I left but there were only pheasants present.


We released 300 birds into the pen last week so is hard to tell how many are missing. I've only lifted two dead birds plus the remains I found tonight. No other signs of a struggle inside the pen.


I'll have a walk throught the wood in the morning looking for victims or burials.


So, who the hell dunnit??









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I found almost the same thing on one of my pens 4 years ago and old Brock was still in there digging his way out!! But only ever found 2 dead poults from it. My fence had gone down that nite too! The hole was a bit lower than that on your photos though. Brock is very strong and could easily do that to your wire though!

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The bottom strand is probably as high as 8 inches at this point. The area around the pen is very uneven and to keep the wire at 5 inches all the way round would require pegs every 4 feet.


I've been back this morning and nothing to report. I've ruled out the deer ram raid due to the surrounding trees obstructing it's path.


I found more clumps of feathers further from the pen but there are usually 30 birds outside so could have been picked off.


No sign of the buzzards yet, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Not that I consider them responsible for the hole in the wire. Now, a red kite............




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Definitely looks like a combo job.

Deer broke the wire would be my first guess as normally a fox or badger digs or pushes under it, however, never say never.

Badgers and electric fences are compatible, on a dry night they almost totally ignore them, and if there were a couple of broken strands in the rabbit netting a nosey brock may have pushed through and opened up the hole seen in the pictures.

Then either brock or others took the poults.

It is rare to get mass kills with a brock but not unknown.

Look for pad marks, fur/hair, deer slots etc. as further clues to the complete story.

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As far as humans are concerned, there is a large gate in the pen with a wee wire hook keeping it shut.


No fur on the wire, seems low for a deer impact and as said before, there isn't a straight line of sight at the impact area due to the standing trees.


I guess we'll never know. Maybe something will hang itself tonight.


all the best



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I think we all know it's badger, my thoughts are the electric fence is to far from the pen fence giving brock space to work, a decent fencer unit will deter badger no problem (he physically will not be able to stay there with 10000 volt up his harris!), check the spacings, check the fence with fence tester.

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My first thought is poachers, second deer, Muntis can make a hell of a mess but the hole is high for them, got any Fallow or Sika on the patch?. Its way to high for badgers.


Wire has been forced open, its newish decent wire as well. Poachers would cut the wire, but there does not seem to be any hair at all around the hole.


The older type wire is better than the plastic stuff for fencers.



Edited by Alycidon
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Pen is only five years old so newish wire.


If poachers wanted into the pen all they have to do is open the gate, it's not locked.


At this particular point the wire is 18 inches from the fence. It had a newly charged tractor battery hooked to it and I had a shock from it when I was repairing the hole. It ******* hurt.


Whatever it was had space to work however there isn't a pine needle out of place on the ground!


Still nothing in the wires, I was sure they'd be back.



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