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Birds On the move

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I am part of a local DIY club, all members work 9-5s. We released 330 7 week old poults on 7th July wing clipped. Birds thrived, stayed in pen 1st month. 2nd month birds stayed close to pen, thriving. In last fortnight birds have started to range out but definitely return to roost. We are feeding wheat with aniseed powder mix. We re not able to dog in in mornings and most evenings as we all work. One man checks birds each evening. We have alot of feeders out around the release pen and in nearby covers, but birds are pushing well out past our last line of feeders as they are quite close (all within 300-400 yds) my question is do we need more feeders further out to stop birds from ranging further, I know dogging in is key but our man power is stretched.

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the only thing putting feeders further out will mean is they go further out for food and can range further, its really pot luck if you can't dog in but the key thing is food and where they have to go for it. We've had ours a similar length of time and they all seem to be coming back at night still but we have only just started moving feeders out to covers and are still filling the pen feeders to keep them in the main wood.

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Many thanks. Yes we still filling feeders and drinkers in pen, there is prob 100 birds still in pen any time I am there. Sounds ok. I will try to dog back when possible. We are a rough shoot so birds scattered around the boundaries is no prob as long as they don't cross over to neighbouring clubs.

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my birds are the same mate i can only get down in the evenings after work so dogging in cant be done the weathers half the trouble with there being alot of nautrals about i just feed wheat everywhere and hand feed wheat maize and ainiseed mix near the pen at night seems to be doing the trick as im seeing a nice lot about !

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