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Nearly got burnt alive!


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Out today shooting with a mate on some wheat stubble. The fields are massive but surrounded by big housing estates.


Set up under a big tree in the middle of field. Absolute gale blowing off the hill. Pigeon all flighting 200 yards both above us and below us.

Watching the flight line in the distance when I noticed some smoke rising. After 10 mins the smoke was alot thicker. Thought I had better phone the Fire brigade, dialled 999 and reported it. 15 mins later and I could hear the fire engines in the distance by which time the smoke had got much and was spreading. Called the fire brigade again and told them they would need more than one crew to put it out.


Another 15 mins past and still no sign of the red engines. By this time i thought i would take a wander over towards where the smoke was coming from.I walked over the brow of the hill and stopped in my tracks. The field we were shooting on was on fire. The wind was whipping across the field and by now half the field was alight. flames leaping into the sky and the crackle of the stubble filling the air. It was now heading towards the Farm buildings


Ran back to the hide and told my mate we had better get out here!

We grabbed the dogs and guns and ran the quarter of a mile to our vehicles. Called the brigade again plus the game keeper and the farmer,

Another 15 mins later and it was action stations 4 Fire engines turned up. The game keeper and his under keeper and the farmer in his tractor with a big bucket on the front.


After about an hour they seem to have it under control.We walked back up the field to our hide. The fire had got to within 400 yards of us and just stopped short of the farm. We decided to carry on shooting but after about another hour I saw smoke rising again in the distance and we called the Brigade again. They came out again and finished the job off.


Sitting there afterwards we realised how lucky we had been. If the wind had shifted 45 degrees we would have been toast!!

We are certain that the fire was started on purpose as over the years It has been torched more than once.


Although the shooting was pretty **** it is a day I wont forget for a long time!!!!

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It very much does go up in a flash, and then it is gone.

If you are ever in a situation when a stubble fire is about to catch you up it is a very good plan to run through the fire itself. There's not much going on behind the active front apart from a bit of smoke.

As a last resort I would do it, better than being burnt.

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Coming down the M1 yesterday we saw, and smelled lots of smoke and the carriageway was partially covered in smoke. Same fire perhaps? It sure looked nasty from the motorway whatever it was.


No I dont think it could be the same fire. We were shooting on the North west edge of Nothampton. quite away from J15/ J15A.

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