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wood revitalisation


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Tru Oil certainly will give it a mega hard wearing glossy finish. Ive used it on a couple of my guns and have been very pleased with it. Id get some steel wool and sand the stock to take off the shine a bit, then use a cloth and wipe tru oil over it. Let it dry (2 or 3 hours depending on how hot the weather is), then sand it again with steel wool and apply more tru oil. I tend to repeat this 4 times.

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I'm currently refurbing the stock on an old HW60 and I've just finished coat 4 of tru oil, the stuff is amazing.


However it looks like the op is just looking to rejuvenate rather than refurbish?


How about some stock wax or conditioner?






I'm no expert but I think you can trust Birchwood Casey products, I'm massively impressed with the stock finishing kit.


Looking at the products and what they offer how about using the stock conditioner to clean up and polish the old stock then the wax to give it a nice protective coating?


I'm not sure you'd want to bang tru oil over it unless you strip it back to bare wood, otherwise all you'll be doing is sealing in dirt and imperfections? Tru oil is a seriously hard coating when it dries.

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