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Brian May on R4: badger cull will lead to civil war


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Why does he not turn his energy to real cruelty like the abuse of dogs that is so often in the news? Instead of wasting his time on legal decisions taken to protect our food.


I'm sure that'll be next on the agenda now he's been made Vice President of the RSPCA!!!


He's nowt but a publicity whore, and given time will end up being ridiculed in the same way Bono and Bob Geldof are.

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I'm sure that'll be next on the agenda now he's been made Vice President of the RSPCA!!!


He's nowt but a publicity whore, and given time will end up being ridiculed in the same way Bono and Bob Geldof are.


Ha ha, how much wildlife have ever turned up to their gigs, apart from the ones caught inside the steel security fences trying the get out when the bongos start up!


It's great how they educate themselves on "sun style evidence" after years of sniffing suger style substances!

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What annoys me most his the level of intellectual dishonesty he demonstrates, particularly given that he studied for and was awarded a PhD. For example, he says that 'all' scientists are against a cull, yet this quite clearly isn't the case. If he were true to his intellect he would say that some believe it will work, others don't and that he is inclined to side with those who don't. Instead he is letting intellect be clouded by emotion, so can't be taken seriously.

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What annoys me most his the level of intellectual dishonesty he demonstrates, particularly given that he studied for and was awarded a PhD. For example, he says that 'all' scientists are against a cull, yet this quite clearly isn't the case. If he were true to his intellect he would say that some believe it will work, others don't and that he is inclined to side with those who don't. Instead he is letting intellect be clouded by emotion, so can't be taken seriously.


Quite right. Many scientists are in favour. This is typical of the antis - they try to make it look like they have majority support, even if they clearly don't.


When emotion comes in through the door, logic disappears out the window.

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