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At what point do pigeons stop feeding on Autumn (cereal) drillings?


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I've never really shot over drillings before because most of my permission was run by Gamekeepers, and shooting stopped in August.



I had an alright day today, but I'm wondering when they pigeons will stop feeding on the Wheat/barley drilling, they where drilled last Wednesday.

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Drilled cereals can be an excellent oppotunity to shoot pigeons . The pigeons will stop feeding on the drillings after they have gleened all the seed off the field . Pigeons will only feed on seed that has been left on the top by the seed drill ,pigeons dont scratch about like chickens looking for food . Depending on how much seed the drill has left behind will determine how long the birds will feed .


The modern day seed drills are far ,far better than they were a few years ago and leave very little seed left on top . The favourite part of the field for pigeons on drillings is around the headlands where the drill has to be lifted to change directions and the seed spilled .


Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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