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Evaporating flight line


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A ten minute view on Thursday afternoon confirmed plenty of birds feeding on a bean stubble which had not been shot before, the majority of which were arriving on a flight line at least 2km long. Slightly earlier on Friday I viewed the same field and flight line and the same number of birds were there and arriving along the same line.


On Saturday I went to shoot the field which was quite well populated with pigeons even at lunch time (they had been feeding from two until six). I watched for twenty minutes and yes there were lots of birds using the same lines and I set up accordingly.


From the moment I was ready not a single bird used that line all afternoon. The flow simply evaporated. Thankfully another line developed from a completely different direction and I had a very nice afternoon for 49 pigeons and 2 carrion crows. This is not the first time this has happened of late and I have no explanation for it.


My day was topped off by seeing the new arrival of two flocks of golden plover which always winter on the same fields.

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