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getting an fac

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I already have a sgc and i have a sqeeky clean background. Iv got loads of ground that i already shoot on with plenty of backstops. Would i still have to go through all the rigmorall of getting background checks done and references. Not a problem if i do but just wondering is it any easier when you already have a sgc?

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I already have alot of experience but i suppose its the diffetence between shot falling at 80yds and a bullet stoping when it hits something. I can see why it would be different. Im just thinking of getting an fac to get a foxing set up 222 or 223. Just the amount of times ive seen charlie but out of range of the 12bore!!!

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You need to show good reason for each rifle you wish to acquire, you will also have to show written permission for at least one named piece of land justify each rifle and obtain an expanding ammunition condition, unless you join a shooting club.

The land you name will then have to be checked as to its suitability for the calibres you are asking for, if the FEO says no then you wont get the calibres you want.



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