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Maybe a longshot, newbie needs witnessing of stalking/gralloching plea

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Hi guys,

This may be a long shot but there's no harm in trying and sorry for a fairly long post, but I want to make it clear I am no idiot and am not after a shooting permission!! icon_biggrin.gif


I'm new to stalking and am looking for guidance around the Peterborough area in stalking, but mainly hands on gralloching of muntjac/CWD as I only have 22-250 on ticket at the moment. In time I aim to progress to a larger calibre and take my DSC 1.


It's looking good in the near future that i'll be granted the opportunity to stalk on a current pest control permission of approx 285 acres but I need hands on experience of gralloching mainly. I have been open and honest with the land owner, in that I need more experience stalking before I actually take my 1st deer which he is happy with and I am able to use the land to hone my stalking skills before shooting one.


I have a few years experience mainly shooting rabbits and am a grounded, easy going sensible family man. I have been out once with a professional stalker and here's a link to the write up I did of the stalk on another forum My free stalk with Jason - aka Muntjacstalker


I'll be honest and say at this moment I cannot offer any stalking/shooting in return but eventually I would not see a problem with joining me on my stalking permission in the future if it all comes off.


Thanks for reading and hopefully there may be someone who could help me out,





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best option is look for some cull stalking and do a few outings, yes you have to pay but cull stalking is reasonably easy on the pocket and you will be out with people who know what they are doing and can instruct you as you go. If you have the budget do a Jelen park cull day as that will let you do a few beasts under instruction by people that teach it day in day out, they are also good to do DSC1 with

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Thanks for the advice mate main problem at the mo is the lack of spare funds!! I'm hoping to save a few sheckles for a day out somewhere like Holkham/Jelen on a cull but it'd still be nice to hook up with someone local if poss,



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Ive just done dsc1 to be honest id advise going on it youll learn loads plus a gralloch is done on it and explained ,stalking is very hard to share like already said do a few paid stalks ill happily take you out in the future but but fairly new to stalking myself ,just a bit of advice try a larger deer roe or fallow muntys are smelly little ******* and quite fidderly to gralloch compared to roe if you want to have a look at dsc tests ill lend you book theres a test near pboro in november i think

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Thanks mate I'm a ways off being able to do the dsc1 but I'd appreciate a look at the book in the future if you don't mind. Well done getting it yourself mate is your land local to Boro? I have areas in Boro, Stamford and Huntingdon but only Stamford is looking promising for deer.

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Thanks mate I'm a ways off being able to do the dsc1 but I'd appreciate a look at the book in the future if you don't mind. Well done getting it yourself mate is your land local to Boro? I have areas in Boro, Stamford and Huntingdon but only Stamford is looking promising for deer.

books are here whenever your ready for them ,as for stalking lucky enough to help out wilth culling at a estate in norflok if i want nice animals i have to pay for it im afraid,

theres some good fallow around stamford area if you want to start managing the deer forget the muntjack and concentrate on the roe and falow they both take well to being managed just let me know about books cheers karl

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