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Help wanted with a gun purchasing dilemma


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I have a few guns and a good serviceable Beretta 687 is amongst these. I now have a FAC which allows me a .243 and a .17 hornet. The latter is a 'wait for a CZ option', at the moment but I am in two minds to go for a .308 or a .243, (a one for one variation would be accepted for a .308 deer rifle).

I am tempted to go for a cheaper .243/.308 rifle setup (Parker Hale etc) and a good new Beretta 12G multichoke, adding a grand to my existing 687 in part -ex. OR, should I go for a new .243/.308 outfit for somewhat more?

I like game shooting, do occasional clays and use a rifle rather less (.223 excepted) so, what would you lads do - any advice appreciated - it will help me decide.

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I use a 308 a lot (for target) and would say go for the 243 for Deer as your are likely to get more land passed for that (if you are on a closed ticket). The 308 has more recoil and is a bit more expensive to feed. As livefast says, if you have a shotgun that works, keep it and enjoy your new guns.

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Thanks guys - I'll get a new kick-eze pad for the 687 and look out for a .243 ! I'd like it cleared for deer and fox so I'll enquire about the fox first. I might as well go for an older .308.if I cant get fox on the same rifle.

The hornet is new so that'll be the expensive one !

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personally I would buy a decent .243, if you have the slot have a look on the stalking directory there is a mint looking sako 75 on there at reasonable money. That will then do most deer and foxes and really most things you come across.


Do you struggle with your current 687? or why are you changing it the average beretta if it fits you just works.

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