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Going Travelling - What to do with guns


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You could find if the police find you are going for two years they will insist you sell them on the grounds of insufficient use. Tread carefully, just say you have put them with a RFD in storage as you are going on an extended holiday and leave it at that. If they ask you how long you will be away just say till the money runs out or you get homesick.

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I would not tell the police, and unless your cert(s) will expire while your away, just leave them in the cabinet.

The cost of storing them with a RFD for that period of time will be large, plus as already mentioned they could go under - it seems to be happening a lot.


Do you know anyone with a FAC who could be asked to wipe them down and dribble some oil in the bores every now and then? Obviously oil them before you go, but 2 years is a long time. Make sure the cabinet is dry, it would be a shame to come back to find them to be rusted away.


I have to agree with JonathanL, if we start using a RFD to store them while we're away it could become a requirement. I'd only do that if I had reason to be concerned with my security arrangements.

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