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Nice message of support from Steve 'I like guns' Lee on the WH


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I emailed Steve Lee to let him know about our latest battle with Smiths, and see if if he would send a message of support. He did, it reads:


Hey Dave


I am really sorry about the restrictions your Government has placed on you guys. I checked out the face book page and uploaded my new video on there with a short message.


I guess the only thing I can say is...... never give up, that is what they want you to do. We are also still under continued attacks here in Oz but the more laws they through at me, the harder I try to find legal ways around them. Just to spit them, I keep there laws but I still get more guns than most people as i figure out ways around the laws.


Anyway, keep up the fight, just keep shooting



He missed my point a little, as this time it's a commercial organisation who's on our case, not the government, but the sentiment is cool.


For those of you who've not heard of Steve Lee, here are a couple of his music videos, the original 'I like guns' and his latest 'who gave you the right':



Edited by Blunderbuss
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@ reece and Blunderbuss, Thankyou for everything you have done so far to publicise this cause. The importance of publicising this issue can not be understated. Together we will see the policy retracted, "Antis have been chipping away at us shooters for too long, and are winning through sheer ignorance." Now is the time for us to start chipping back, this is a battle, and the war is just kicking off, we cannot fight a war without an army, and an army must be unified. I hate these metaphores because they suggest violence, this is not a violent move, this is an Active move to save shooting sports once and for all.

Good presents for kids getting into shooting.

Shotgun certificate.

BASC/CA membership.

Encourage activism in whatever way you can for the shooting community's sake.

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