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homing ferret

la bala

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One of my Grandsons young ferrets managed to get out of her cage sometime early on saturday morning. Living on a small estate my Son and Grandson looked around the gardens in a 150 metre radius. after a couple of hours they gave up the search. The next part of the operation, flyers were printed and posted through doors out to a radius of 500 metres. Later a sighting of the jill by a housholder 60 metres away saw it disappearing through her back garden. The rest of saturday passed without any phone calls or sightings, hopes were waining. On sunday morning my son went to feed the sibling, out of the corner of his eye he saw a movement, on the floor peering out from under some wood was a very wet and very cold ferret. During sunday my son had two phone calls, the first one claimed seeing the ferret some 150-200 metres away. The second was a call from a lady only about 60 metres away, who was woken up by her dog at 3.30am, she opened her bedroom window, and with the help of the street lights, saw the jill running down the footpath, cross the road and into my sons property.

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It's nice to hear a happy ending, I have similar experiences when the ferrets managed to break the hinge away on the hutch, I found two within the garden, someone brought me the third in a wheely-bin a day later (only thing they could find and they didn't want to touch him) and one was never seen of again!

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