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Truckboys Fox Frenzy


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Saturday was a lovely day pheasant shooting on the syndicate shoot where Truckboy (Dale) bought a day with us, with a bag of 71 pheasants and a pigeon. We decided on a look out with the lamp and .223 for any sign of Charlie afterwards on a few farms I decoy on. Setting off about half 6, it wasnt long before we saw a set of eyes a long way off. With some gentle coaxing with the Acme call, a fox trotted into us and Dale missed! A quick cock of the bolt and the fox was stupid enough to stop about 120 yards away and this time Dale struck home. Number 1 in the bag. We crossed the road to see a pair of foxes in a stubble field. Again I called with the Acme and one was dropped, the other ran then sat watching us. We crept a little closer to make sure and boom, number three met its maker. I shone around and saw yet another fox in a ploughed field next door to the stubble field. Dale laid in the stubble and I gave one long screech, the fox stopped and bang, dropped like a stone. Four in an hour we were chuffed to bits. We picked up the foxes and left them for the farmer to see then headed to the next farm where I shoot the foxes with a shotgun usually. I have shot four since harvest here and knew one that was a little lamp shy. We put on a chicken in distress call with the U Caller and a pair of eyes shone up, but wasnt hanging about. He kept walking away, peering back as he did. Dale settled his rifle on his truck roof and shouted "Oi!" The fox stopped for a split second and Dale fired. The telltale wack of ballistic tip on flesh sounded back. As I congratulated him on an awesome shot, I pulled the light off the now dead fox to see another one, this one was coming in fast and close! A quick work of the bolt and a shout again made this one stop and number 6 dropped into the stubble about eighty yards away. The first fox was paced out at 280 yards, Dales longest shot to date and was a dog fox with a heavy set head.



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