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Angry or confused fox?


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I haven't posted for a while but I've still been busy.


I popped out on Tuesday night for a look about. First fox was a good 300 yards and two fields away so I pulled up and had a squeak. It was interested straight away and came bowling in. It was happy enough so I let it come right in and took the shot at around 30 yards. I think it was so confident as I stayed on the road and it was used to seeing lights so wasnt put off by the lamp. It was a big healthy dog.



I hadn't seen much about but I knew they were around somewhere so I decided to have a walk on a regular foxy field. 10 minutes later and I had a set of eyes on the top of the hill and travelling along the edge of a strip of cover crop. I made my way along the hill to head it off and get a safe shot which presented itself nicely with the fox sat happily at around 100 yards, just down from the brow but with a safe backstop. I took the shot and it returned a good thump..... then this confused me, I appeared to have missed and it ran, first along the cover crop then it turned right and ran straight at me at full pelt. It was on the gun mounted lamp so all it would have seen was a bright orange light but was going full tilt towards me down the hill. Anyway, I aimed on its nose and took the shot at around 20 yards, grazing its head and hitting it in the top of the shoulder. Another big healthy dog.



With that I walked up towards the top of the hill where I'd first seen it and found this


Which made me very happy! It was a vixen and the fox I'd taken the first shot at. I hadn't seen there was two and after dropping the vixen the dog had bolted. What it's intentions were and if it knew I was even there I still don't know but it seemed to have its own agenda!


With three bagged I decided to knock it on the head for the night so headed back to the car. Halfway down the field I had a quick scan behind me and picked up another set of eyes back at the top! A quick squeak brought it off the crest of the hill and made it a safe shot. My phone decided to pack up at this point so I didn't get a picture but it was a much smaller dog and I suspect it was on the trail of the vixen.


With four in the bag and all before 9pm I headed home. Since then I've been out with the keeper again and we had another two dog foxes and saw another dog and vixen paired up.. that's next weeks outings sorted.


Cheers gents,


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