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BASC and other shooting body representatives, your attention please.

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I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that poor Dennis has delusions of adequacy. Bless.


Overcome by the exuberance of his own existentialism more like. Another one that can count up to six on one foot. ....................................................... and 7 on the other.

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David BASC - thanks for being so clear.


Dennis is a bit of an enigma. He can shoot, but seems hell bent on bringing the sport into disrepute by a mixture of horror stories (which cannot be revealed) and half baked petitions which only Dennis and two / three people agree with or even understand.


There seem to be a few of these on the Forum. Asking us to ban pumps or confess to be criminals. Whatever next.


They normally have in common:-


They, and only they, are right.


They answer no questions.


Repeat the same rubbish incessantly.

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