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Gun Safety? Finger up the Barrel of a Semi Auto


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I have had a fair amont of autos waved at me. I would rather have a broken over and under waved at me as you can see its empty. Also spit cartridges everywhere unable to pick empties up most of the time. The barrel overheats and causes heat waves so difficult to concentrate. Only one coice of choke. What im saying is they are better guns for clays that are easy to spot as being safe unlike autos are to the untrained eye.

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I have had a fair amont of autos waved at me. I would rather have a broken over and under waved at me as you can see its empty. Also spit cartridges everywhere unable to pick empties up most of the time. The barrel overheats and causes heat waves so difficult to concentrate. Only one coice of choke. What im saying is they are better guns for clays that are easy to spot as being safe unlike autos are to the untrained eye.


I've had enough unbroken break action guns waved at me as well.


The type of gun makes no difference, if it's not being handled in a safe way then tell the person.


Autos spitting cartridges are rarely a problem, at the shoots I go to they are either picked up - which does not require you to help - or they're left along with the ones that are ejected by O/U owners who don't catch them. I fail to see any problem.


Any barrel can overheat on any type of gun. Yes a semi will overheat before an O/U, but what's it got to do with you? If the person shooting it has a problem (which doesn't effect anybody else) then let them choose what to shoot, not you.


Having only one choice of choke again isn't your problem.


Semi's are not a perfect gun for everything - but neither are O/U's. I simply don't care whether the people round me shoot with either type, either they are safe or they are not. It's up to them if they want the advantages or disadvantages from using a different type of gun.


Do you have any more unjustifiable opinions on what guns should not be used for clay shooting? What about pump actions?

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I have and shoot a semi. I also have an opionion.And its a forum I can say what I like. O/u and sxs are esier to tell if safe end of.And what I say is justifiable.


O/Us are easier to tell if they are safe, but semi's are not difficult.


You are entitled to your opinion on them, but it's impossible to justify your statement that they do not belong on clay grounds.

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