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Pigeon shooting syndicate in north Essex????


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All shooting rights are taken in the Braintree area certainly no pigeon syndicates the closest is TX Farms in Cambridge


Cant see many farmers round here handing out shooting rights to someone they dont know!


It takes hard graft to gain shooting rights these days and more hard work to retain it. After all who wants to see other guns on your farms after youve put yourself out all year to kill their vermin.

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Funny enough round where I am, the shooting rights are taken up by a pigeon club which as the farmers tell me are fairweather shooters who hardly ever turn up, even though there is a waiting list for the club.



It's sounds like it's a chore rather than a pleasure to you. Why do you bother anymore?

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Richie10 Ive got plenty of shooting rights probably more than most as i put myself out to tend for the farmers needs and am also just making a point that theres not many pigeon clubs about because there not seen as being the best way of controlling vermin numbers, in fact a major famer who i shoot with threw one club off (possibly the same one u know they do have a bad reputation?) they caused him more aggro than enough driving all over his land where they shouldnt be and had no respect for the farm at all and were not turning up when the birds were on his fields all as you say fair weather shooters? thus most farmers arent keen on letting 'joe blogs' on their land and who can blame them!


I love pigeon shooting and am out every weekend even on my days off so its not a chore and more of a pleasure to be out and about even if you dont shoot many!!


Keep shooting!

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  On 27/12/2012 at 18:17, Denboy said:

Hi guys does anyone know of any pigeon shooting syndicates in north Essex I'm from Braintree and still haven't got any permission as of yet and I want to join a club as long as it's not to expensive!!!

Any help would be grateful :)

Hi Denboy,


Just an idea. Im also having the same problem as you. Im from Dunmow and struggling to find a piece of land. I'm currently driving round, introducing myself and handing out business cards.


If you do end up with something, and need another man, with a air riffle rather than a load shotgun, please do drop me a message, and vice versa

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