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Franchi AL-48 Semi auto 12g

Lord Geordie

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Right i only have 1 left to sell and it's a Franchi AL-48 semi auto 12g.


The gun is near imaculate with just some minor wearing on the stock finish as you can see in the Pic. It's shot flawlessly and shoots straight.


Stock could do with perhaps a bit of Oil to replenish the shine?




3 shot (restricted) semi with nice wood the blueing is perfect as is the bore it has been WELL looked after and it shows you WON'T be dissapointed it's a real nice light to carry recoil action semi.


I am the type who cleans a gun after EVERY use so i can assure you it is in PERFECT condition.


Never dropped or knocked never exposed to rain or mud either.


Had less than 500 rounds through it in it's life.


I am asking £200 for this fine bit of craftsmanship :D



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