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prescription tablets


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just been prescribed some medication (tablets) and the instructions are pretty straight forward ( one to be taken three times a day ) so i take my first just after waking 7.30am next tablet due at 3.30pm , last tablet due at 11.30pm . now that is not rocket science , trouble is i go to bed at 10pm one and a half hours before my last tablets due, so is working out your medication on a 24hr basis right or wrong ? should i (would you) work them out on your waking hours ? just interested in how other people would go about this (new to me ) task ???

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It really just means spread them out across the day and don't take all at once. More important is whether it says to take with (before or after) food.

Second that about before or after food otherwise spread as evenly as you can over your waking hours. If it is important to take meds evenly over 24 hours you would be told and label would be very specific.

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