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Any one wiling to help reload .410

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I just got myself mossberg pump hushpower in .410

is there any one willing to show me ropes how to reload carts.i

i am from Darlington but often travel to Leyburn or York.

any help will be cool


Thank You


The reloading of .410 is quite straight forward! I don't have and .410 reloading gear but I do reload my own 12g. The process is similar to .410, but generally the crimp on the 12g is star crimp and on the .410 is a rolled crimp. If you start with a 3" fired shell you may need to trim the case to remove the old crimp. There IS a tool to open the old crimp by way of friction and this pushes the wall back out. If you don't have this tool you will need to trim the case. This of course means you can only reload a few times per cart depending on what you want to reload!


There are plenty of stockists for primers, powders and wads etc, so you shouldn't have trouble sourcing those! Your biggest outlay COULD be your reloader depending on which you choose!


I am using the Lee Load All and for me it works out ok. There will always be those who swear by MEC and the like but I find the Lee works ok for Me!


If you like you can pop up to Newcastle and I can show you the basic stuff with the 12g loader and point out the basics on spent primer removal and re-priming. Powder weighing, take you through the whole process of reloading 12g and it should give you an idea of reloading the .410!

Edited by Lord Geordie
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