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Ruger semi auto jamming


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Given the fact that it has been around (instandard form) for nearly 50 years the track record of this little gun is very good. I wonder how old the guns that have loading issues are... Mine (which has never failed) was 2nd hand when I bought it 15 years ago - I no longer use any other .22LR because it has been so reliable in all rabbit control situations... But I guess that there are always good and bad the same as with mass produced cars.

Edited by countrykingdad
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that may be a fact but its longevity is probably more to do with the fact that its a not aweful but not brilliant dirt cheap gun in the states, making it affordable to many and thus as said above a very large custom market has flurished off the back of it.


The U.S guys love to customise and if you want to do that in .22lr you buy a 10/22... I conject that its probably the huge availablity of after market custom parts which now drive the 10/22 sales rather than the other way around.

Edited by thepasty
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Been speaking to loads of people about jamming issues with rimfires and had such a mixed reaction some love em some loath them, I'm sticking with bolt action for now as it does everything I need. Not like me to do some research I would usually bought one and just seen How its goes.


Cheers for all the input in this post

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If you're after a field semi rather than a practical 22 rifle you may want to concider the CZ511 Subsonic, they're more accurate than an unmodified 10/22 and will shoot whatever you put through it all day without jamming.


But if you're into accessorising your gun or wont larger capacity mags theres nothing like that for the 511.


When I was looking into a semi 22lr I was after a 10/22 also but when I had them side by side the 511 is built to last, higher quality and felt less toyish.... you wont find a single bit of plastic in a 511. ;)


just a thought


Only downside with the 511 is out of production since 2010 so no spare mags or parts available. Nice guns though.

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Hi all any owners of .22 LR rugers find they jam much, thinking of getting one?


Cheers in advance


They are just fine but they need regular cleaning to avoid feed problems. Easy enough to strip to remove the carbon and muck buildup.


.22LR are filthy cartridges and the blow back action means muck gets belched out while there is still plenty of loose stuff flying about.

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The 25 round 'banana' clips seem very hit and miss (if you'll excuse the pun).


Stick with the 10 round mags and they won't miss a beat. :good:


Only the sealed Butler Creek magazines. Ruger now do their own BX-25 25 round magazines, which are as reliable as the 10 round magazines, strippable for cleaning too.

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Only downside with the 511 is out of production since 2010 so no spare mags or parts available. Nice guns though.


On the flip side they're so well made that needing spare parts is very unlikely, they'll last a life time... and if something does fail theres plenty of guns out there for breaking for parts if needs be.


Both my RFD's regard them as the best semi auto out there today, built to last, accurate and reliable.


I've got one... love it to bits.

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