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Hmr light strike rounds, what should I do with them?

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Thing is I should be finding out why. Most likely its muck in the bolt giving intermittent light strikes, this will also effect accuracy. I have never had a non ignited rim fire round that I can remember, you might have a duff batch but I seriously doubt it due to the way priming compound is spun into each case in production

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very common in semi autos

(I know yours isnt)


I had FTF's on CCI ammo

rechamber and a fire again if only to get rid


clean the chamber and if necessary the internals of the bolt.

yes due to muck contamination of action, but this is a hmr so its a bolt gun and it needs a sorting

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The reason it was a light strike was the bolt handle wasn't completely down. The anschutz are common doin it if its even only a tiny bit above the stop. I was warned when I got the gun last month but maybe a little bit of newbie over excitement while I was out and seeing a rabbit! Haven't had anymore since then, just a bit more thorough!

Cheers tho!

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