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anyone know a place in essex or kent where you can pay to hunt rabbits or other varmint with air rifles ?i know about petes air gun farm but i was told there are no rabbits left there so any information you have i will be gratefull

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anyone know a place in essex or kent where you can pay to hunt rabbits or other varmint with air rifles ?i know about petes air gun farm but i was told there are no rabbits left there so any information you have i will be gratefull


yup, here you go. All these places have pests. Ring each and every one of them, or better still, call round dressed normal and use some manners.

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thanks mate i will give them a call, the only thing i hope they dont expect me to eradicate the varmint because i dont have time to go shooting more than maybe 5 6 times a year thats why i was looking for somewhere where you can pay and you have no pressure in providing a certain level of varmint control.Thanks again for the info much appreciated

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From personal experience if you want permission and want to keep it you need to keep the farmers happy, if they call you with a rabbit problem you go as soon as you can or some one else will i dont think once every two months in spring and summer would keep them happy


I assume OP knows that which is why he states he want somewhere that you have to pay as he doesn't have time to keep numbers down


Just go see a farmer...if you get the go ahead then don't turn up for a month or so, ask again, if they say no...hard luck

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