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laughing geese


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Having started the day at 2am picking up the fowling partner and setting off for hopefully a good day out, on arriving at the destination the signs werent good!!! No wind cold crisp clear morning when the geese began to lift pinks ahoy and most just out of range, the pinks gone and along came the barnies waving gladly at us just over our heads what a lovely sight, morning flight over and done with off to the wood for a bit of stalking only to find it was more like walking on cornflakes than stalking all the same had a nice stroll round the wood before heading back to the shore.

Arriving back at the shore and getting ready to set up around 200 pinks make an appearance right over our heads but away from the shore and come down in the field in front of us!!! Stalking techniques employed we make our way to the shore pinks still in sight with no possible shooting opertunity, call as we may the pinks just chatted away and fed quite happily in front of us, the evening return began and all way out of range all our hopes pinned on the pinks in front of us!!! At last they start to lift and head in the wrong direction!!! well for us anyway thats fowling for us but a great day all the same .... Till next time

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The number of days you have like that is directly proportional to the fantastic pleasure experienced when the act comes together!

This year it went:






4 Pinks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Came home feeling like I'd won the lottery.


Well thats funny, your season has been exactly the same as mine apart from me not getting the 4 Pinks :lol:

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The geese have been laughing at me all season. With only 20 ( pinks, greys, egyptians and canadas ) in the bag its the worst goose season i have had for over 30 years. The numbers of pinks using my marshes have been well down , the greys just have not been on my ground most of the season in any numbers and despite plenty of canadas about on one marsh in September by the time the club allows them to be shot ( October 1st ) they had changed their flightlines and only one ended up in the bag.


Its been so bad i have even had to chase them inland a few times which is something I very rarely do. I must confess however the chances have been there a couple of times when I could have shot a lot of pinks on a grazing marsh , but both times stopped with 3 in the bag and there was a morning when I had a winged greylag down in a fast running Broadland river which took the dog 20 mins to get during which time I had 3 close skiens come down the river that i would not shoot at until the dog had done her work on the first one. When she finaly brought it back only one more little skien came which I got one from.

Edited by anser2
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My dog has had more geese than me on the wash, my get out of jail card was my day trip to Norwich. I have been under them, 70 yards from them and called them for anyone within 100 yards of me, but I have met some good people and seen some lovely sights so I am lucky, there is a lot that can't see the sights and views I do.

Edited by ayano3
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Its my first season fowling and was hooked first time out the blanks are part and parcel but I think that goes for most shooting too just being out there seeing and hearing not only the geese as they come and go ive only had one pink but that was more than enough as I felt like a kid in a sweet shop wishing everyone well and a good last couple of weeks of the season. Neil

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