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Pump / semi for dtl ?


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I dont understand how you look at the spent cases flying?


If you have to have a semi them something like http://www.remington...del-105cti.aspx is the sensible option.


Try some trap and if you like it buy a trap gun (OU undoubtedly)


Yeah if you have a FAC...


Why on earth would you want to use a semi or pump for dtl? It's pointless! It's like saying you are getting an alsation as a retriever....not worth the aggro, if you turn up somewhere new they may not even let you shoot although this issue is more likely on driven shoots/evening d flights

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In the U.S, the pump action has been used to win, frequently, competitions at every level of every clay shooting discipline since the sport was invented.


And in the US many states allow you to buy an assault weapon when you show your driving licence, doesn't make it a good idea though.


Also in US comp the stages aren't as compacted with low partitions as in the uk

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A friend started shooting DTL with a plastic semi auto. He was quite successful but the other competitors wern't happy with the cartridges coming across their face, so he changed to an o/u

He's been a member of the England team for about 10 years one and is sponcered by Kreighof

Semi's are a no no on all trap disciplines

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