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Having a real problem shooting anything right to left. I'm left eye dominant but right handed and I think this is where the problem lies. I shot a round of 60 sporting on Sunday morning and missed everything right to left. I've just got no confidence on them, missed plenty of game during the season right to left, please HELP!

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A good coach can help.Have you considered a couple of lessons?

My nephew is the same,and at Young Shots days the BASC coaches all advised him to pick up the birds/clays with both eyes open,then shut his left as he brings the gun to his shoulder to shoot.It works well for him.You MUST maintain hard focus on the target at all times though,and not be distracted by the gun muzzles suddenly appearing in your peripheral vision when you shut your left eye,so in order to do this your gun must fit reasonably well and your mount must be consistently correct.

Give it a go;you've nothing to lose.

Edited by Scully
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It just takes practice, I'm left eye dominent and right handed and was even considering shooting left hand as I was so bad. I then found a gun that fitted properly and was told to keep both eyes open to spot the bird then close the left eye as I bring the barrels to the bird.


A year on and it works for me pretty well, if I miss now I know it's not down to the eye issue.

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Try not to get hung up on eye dominance. Probably half your problem with those crossers is that you have subconsciously conditioned yourself to miss.

Try to keep both eyes open, or squint one slightly, but just look at the target. Ignore the barrels and bead. Keep on at it on the clay range . You will seem be dusting them.

Look online at Mike ***********s move mount shoot system. Once you get past the annoying puuuulllll a lot of what he says makes sense


Why does the swear filter not like " yard ley"

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