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Air arms S510 - Best pigeon pellets?


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The best pellets are the ones that are most accurate in your gun.

Whatever pellet hits the killzone will kill a pigeon at reasonable range but you and your gun have to put it there first!

Try a range of pellets from AA, JSB, H&N, even different headsizes until you find the one that suits your barrel.

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As above mate. I had one of these in .177 and it worked well with both the AA diabolo and the H&N FTT, but if you want a heavier job, the Bisley Mags worked well too :) BUt honestly, whichever pellet hits the bird in the head or heart and lungs is the one to go for. Get a good grouping and that's all that matters!

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My 510 loved the logan penetrators (or Pax Exterminators - same pellet) as a hunting pellet. Pigeons and rabbits didn't like them very much at all! They are a bit heavier at 9.5gn but I found they were more consistent than the AA and seemed to hit that bit harder. I used H&N's for target shooting as also very accurate and not as expensive.

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