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Anyone bought an iPad mini?


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Has anyone bought one of these and if so how do you find it?


Also - is the "cellular" description the new version of 3G meaning you can use it for net surfing no matter where you are?


Also how much do the contracts cost to run one say on unlimited data per year?


Looking for something for net surfing and watching films when on travels.




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They look great the mrs is hummin and ahhhing about one but as always she is not for making a decision! Size wise it's the same as her kindle which she likes but as she describes it is a one trick pony. Not sure about how they do the 3G on it but my full size iPad has a sim and I pay a tenner a month and get a gig of data which works well enough for me

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I bought one after seeing the one my son got off Santa, as versatile as a iPad but will fit in your pocket.


I bought the 16GB which takes a SIM card. Got 1GB of data on 3 for £5 a month. Never touched my full size ipad since, when you compare, an iPad seems to big and to heavy.

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I was looking at the non apple ones and a friend has one and likes it but on the net it seems there are some customer service issues whereas apple seem to get rave reviews on customer service and they have a familiar (to me) operating system and they are easy to use.




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