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The Next Kids Klay Day - A1 Shooting Ground


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I believe it is £15 for 15 clays. My lad will be 9 in July, so I'll bring him along around then :-)


Aris is correct, £15.00 for 15 clays, (everyone gets extra's) and includes gun safety, gunfit, eye dominance (it changes as they get older of course) how to hit a target, and a small package of goodies.

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Very laudable, I am always happy to see youngsters being encouraged into the sport. But why on earth call it a "Klay Day" ? Perhaps i am just particularly grumpy today..sorry...but what is wrong with treating them like adults and spelling it properly?


The use of the letter K brings it to people attention, as it has to yours.

The children are treated like adults, and it starts with being able to handle and use a Shotgun safely and correctly :good: . Look around at advertising and see how many words are spelt incorrectly/different to the norm, or in fact are even made up words, it is done to attract attention

There is also a prize for spotting the spelling mistake, and the same prize if you don't. :lol:

Edited by bakerboy
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Getting requests to run the event through the half term, plus already taking booking's for the 10th, so that "we do not miss out" parents have asked.

So looking forward to a busy Sunday the 10th and maybe a few days in between.


If any Pigeon Watch "Squabs" turn up they will get a few extra's.

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The use of the letter K brings it to people attention, as it has to yours.

The children are treated like adults, and it starts with being able to handle and use a Shotgun safely and correctly :good: . Look around at advertising and see how many words are spelt incorrectly/different to the norm, or in fact are even made up words, it is done to attract attention

There is also a prize for spotting the spelling mistake, and the same prize if you don't. :lol:



I know, I see It all the time and it really pees me off because I think it is patronising when grown ups try to get down with the kids. I am a grumpy old pedant though, so take no notice of me. I still think it is totes amaze and well wikkid what you are doing though, hope the day goes well M8Y B) :lol:

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