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Variation form problem

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After having a break from shooting and selling all my guns!! Of which I really regret now there gone!

I have decided to buy some new ones my problem is when I sold my rifles I never sent my cert in to have them removed and free the slots up again, so after speaking to the fld they explained that because I never applied for a 1-4-1 variation at the time I need to send in a variation for all my calibres to be put back on . The thing that has me concerned is the ammo in your possession part on the form as I still have the odd box of rounds for calibres i know longer have on my ticket so i have learned. So I'm just wondering where I stand am I breaking any laws by having them in my safe even tho I had the calibres on ticket up until a couple of months ago and they are the same ones I am putting a variation in for now!


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Didnt even know that was possible! so you can buy any ammo up to 50 bmg even if you dont have the slots for the rifle ??

yes you can

the holder of this certificate may acquire and posses a maximum of 2000 rounds of ammunition to which section 1 of the firearms act 1968 (as amended) applies as part of a collection

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yes you can

the holder of this certificate may acquire and posses a maximum of 2000 rounds of ammunition to which section 1 of the firearms act 1968 (as amended) applies as part of a collection

cheers for that :good: :good:

i will get that put on my cert then as i have always fancied collecting really obscure ammo but never thought i could without specific slots.

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yes you can

the holder of this certificate may acquire and posses a maximum of 2000 rounds of ammunition to which section 1 of the firearms act 1968 (as amended) applies as part of a collection


Expanding ammo is section 5 though. You can collect it but you need your certificate to specifically authorise collection of ammo which is otherwise section 5. There is a specific exemption in the Act to allow collecting of section 5 ammo which goes even further than allowing the acquisition of expanding ammo; it allows you to collect things like incendiary and armour piercing ammo.



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If you sell your Rifles and Dont put in for a One for One Variation you loose the slot for that caliber , if you've lost the slot then you dont have Good Reason to hold ammo for that caliber


in Theory any way


You don't lose the authority to posses the ammo until they police actually withdraw the authority from your cert. If you have simply sold the gun and notified them of that then you are still lawfully in possession of the ammo until such time as they amend your FAC.



Edited by JonathanL
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sorry should have made it clearer, i still have the slots on my cert as i never sent it in to be amended! but i sold my rifles and never applied for a 1for1 so i lost the slots, so i have had to pay for a variation now!

but after enquieries it was ok as said in the above post "You don't lose the authority to posses the ammo until they police actually withdraw the authority from your cert. If you have simply sold the gun and notified them of that then you are still lawfully in possession of the ammo until such time as they amend your FAC."


cheers for all the advice its now time to go shopping for new guns :yes:

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