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Help with fox caller made from two 12g cartridges


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Have a look at the photos.


When you have joined the two cases together, you need to dish both ends, just put the cases in a small vice with a steel bearing located in one of the primer holes & tighten until you get the required depth.


Then do the same to a small stainless washer, with a smaller hole than the primer holes, & solder into place the same as the photo.


I find sucking the call is better than blowing it. (doesn't sound to good that does it) :blush::lol:


Do it with the call at an angle in your mouth.










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its just a case of removing the primers flaring one of the ends slightly so as to allow the other in ( a slight taper on a wooden dowel will do this neatly) then stick them together (a blob of epoxy if they are loose helps) now inhale through it don't blow!

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You need one of the holes smaller than the primer hole, works on the same principal as the tenderfield whistle.


You'll have to have lungs the size of a bull with just the primer holes... :yes:

Not so two std shell bottoms primers removed both holes same- works just fine!

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True....but gives it a more mellow tone,


A smaller hole gives the call a higher pitch, which does work better...

ok, I get that! I make them for widgeon but they will work for fox as such I prefer to actually use a home made reeded call for charlie

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I'd be afraid of tripping, and inhaling that! :lol:


tie them on a lanyard just with a sliding knot and secure with a blob of super glue when tight enough. Seriously it is possible to slip and swallow a call as small as these, they are no bigger than a sweet

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I gave this as a project to the apprentices at work,needless to say they all failed. Engineering and the future isnt looking good. The ones I made work on the sucking and not blowing method. Have you tripd with a long hilted brass and a short onr the pitch seemed to alter on mine:

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