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Air gun licence proposal in Scotland

big bad lindz

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Hi Guy`s,


I am not an air gunner although I own one, I am more into wildfowling and rough shooting. So please accept my apology if this topic may have already been covered in this airgun section of PW. Below I have the attachment that has been sent to me because I replied to the petition and I think that proposal for a licence of an air gun is wrong.

If you havent already signed it and you wish to or find out more information follow the links.






Hi Everyone,

I've printed off a hard copy of the petition to send in to the Scottish Government 13,638 signatures, 228 pages it is as thick as a phone book.

In this final week i'd like to ask everyone who has not already done so to respond to the consultation. It can be done by E-mail and will only take 10 minutes. This is probably the most important weapon in fighting this unjust action. It is down to us to defend our sports no one else will do it for us.

I've attached a link to BASCs website which should make responding easy.

Next week I will E-mail a version of the petition in along with my own response to the consultation. I will also be sending out one final E-mail to everyone who has signed with some useful web links. Another facebook page and online blog has been started hoping to build upon the unity we have achieved and to serve as a focus point for any future actions or issues that are relevant to our sports.

The Blog is: http://firearmsuk.wordpress.com/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Firearms-UK/599614596715256?ref=hl

Once again a big thank you to everyone for helping make this petition as popular as it has been.


This message is from No to airgun licensing Scotland who started the petition "Scottish Government: To drop all proposals to licence airguns in Scotland," which you signed on Change.org.

View the petition | View and reply to this message online

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its been on here for a while on numerous threads and although i sympathise with the scottish people and have my opinions i personally think signing the petition is a total waste of time


the law up their have made their minds up already and i cannot see how signing the petition will change anything


sorry if what i am saying offends anyone but that is just my opinion,, signing it will not do anything except upset the applecart again

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some companies accept gun parts via the post




Signing peition = 0.1% chance you'll help change the Scotish parliments mind. (Please bare in mind that what can happen there can happen here)


Not Signing petition = 0% chance.


Please tell me what you have to loose other than <1min of your time.

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