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maths question


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You see a gun you wana buy but don't have any cash, you borrow 50 from mum and 50 from dad. Gun costs 97. You buy gun and get 3 change. You give mum and dad 1 each back. You now owe mum 49 and dad 49 and you have 1. 49+49=98 ...... 98 + 1 (you have) =99. So where did the other 1 go?......


And yes it is sorta a trick question...

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in your pocket... you said you had £3 change, the amount you owe mum and dad was £50 each and you gave them £1 each , owing them £49 each ...so the spare £1 is in your pocket :) its one of those questions that can have a false answer

Edited by jasper3
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in your pocket... you said you had £3 change, the amount you owe mum and dad was £50 each and you gave them £1 each , owing them £49 each ...so the spare £1 is in your pocket :) its one of those questions that can have a false answer

i'm with him.it doesn't matter what you still owe,its about what change you've got left.

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