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What is the country coming to!


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Was out ferreting the other day on a farm in the middle of no where, there is hardly any people living close by apart from a couple living in a mobile home in a barn and are from the city!

Anyway we were having a fairly good morning ferrting with no guns etc when we came across a fairly lively burry which was about 80 yards away from an old bager earth, ( we knew it was fairly unused because all the holes were complety over grown) but we thought the rabbit warren was far enough away and the dogs seemed fairy keen on it so we netted up an put the ferret down. After having a couple of succesful catches we noticed the ferret had shown up for a while, so got the tracker out an sure enough he had killed down the hole. The area which the ferret waws under was even futher away from the bager earth than than the holes so we began digging.

About 5mins after 2 police men start walking up the drive towards us!

The couple in the caravan had only rang the cops to report us bager baiting!!! In broad day light, close to the side of the road with a spanial and a terrior pup!

Anyway the police man ask us what we are doing, start taking our names and addresses and tell us to get from there within 10 mins or the RSPCA will be there!

And what realy ****** me off was when the one copper asked the other if what he was looking at was a bloody rabbit hole!!

Lucky we got to the ferret not long after, filled the hole back in and left before we managed to get into trouble or lose the permission the ferret there.

It is realy starting to upset me now how all the animal lovers who have no idea what damage pests like rabbits and also bagers can cause are trying to stop me from doing what ive been brought up doing just because they have no idea what there on about and think they are doing good! :lol:

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Yeah, my friends dad who is a farmer had the police come up to him whilst he was combining because apparently someone had complained about the dust.


Must of been from the city, i couldnt believe it when i heard it.




Yeah these same people complained to the farmer for combinin at 9`0`Clock at night! :lol:


Never mind hey.

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I know exactly what you mean a couple of townies moved in near us,,, they never turn their lights off in their house and have added lights to all outer walls etc its like a bloody lighthouse at night... :lol:

the funniest was when one of them excitedly came running up to me when i was doing some work in the field, he was shouting 'quick come and look we've found a snake ' anyhow when i went to have a look i had to tell them it was infact a slow-worm :lol::lol::lol:

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