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Release Pen Construction

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Anyone got any suggestions for the best way to peg down the bottom netting on a pheasant release pen, I don't fancy digging it in (the ground is so wet and no digger access - so that means a spade!!), I have on different pens used straining wire 'U' clips or wooden wedges driven into the out turn.

Any better ideas?



Edited by Brixsmaid
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I would pin it turned to the outside and let the undergrowth grow through it, but I would always have an electric fence on until the wire is really bedded into the undergrowth, If you have badgers I would advise against it and dig in the wire, all you need to do is jimp on the spade till down to the end of blade wiggle it to make a slot and push wire down with the spade.



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Cheers Bod


Unfortunately at least half of the pen is in a wood where there is no undergrowth which can grow through the wire, but your idea of a slot with a spade is a possible, better than trying to cover the whole turn out with soil :good: ! I always use an electric wire. Testing the new one this Saturday if I can find a victim amongst my mates :lol:

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I use lengths of old fence wire about 18 inches long and bend them in half and peg the wire down with it being folded to the outside of the pen if you are using a zap wire that will do, or you can weigh the wire down with big heavy stones, have seen it done but its not my cup of tea, if u use the wire pegs in a zig zag - one closest to end of wire one near fold one near end of wire - and be generous with the pegs you can't go far wrong IMO

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Cheapest way and how I have always done it is to cut some logs about 12 inches plus in length and with a billock start splitting the logs as if you were making kindling wood. Small little kindling sized pegs pointed up with the billock and a small 1" nail banged in 3/4 of the way up at an angle. Then you just bang them in and the nail grips and holds wire down.


Cheap or free to make if you can source a few logs and nails. Last a long time and should only take a rainy afternoon to make enough for a couple of seasons to replace as and when they rot or a new area needs pegging.


Good luck :)

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