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hi guys im after a bit of info on whether I can get any pesticide to spray my hedges and garden as im struggling with tick infestation. Friday I checked my jrt and he was clear of ticks and this morn ive checked him after a few days of sunshine to find 13 ticks......now I know how to remove them and the dangers of them and disease but im stumped as to what more I can do other than removing hedges and fitting fences. ive kept the grass low but he likes to wander round the hedges as there's a lot of wildlife living in them...hedgehogs and mice and the fox's are always visiting......



so is there anything I can buy to spray my garden to kill of these pests.


thanks martyn.

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Probably not suitable in ur case but grouse moors use sheep as tick mops to attract the ticks and then dip them 4 or 5+ times a year. Dunno if there is something u can use to attract ticks and them dip that thing in the chemical (i forget the name of the chemical they use now) Get a warm piece of wool/fleece on a stck and dragg it around ur hedge bottom's, then dip that? Might be worth a try, even just submergeing it in water might do the trick and drown them, u'll see them all flaoting on top of water if it works. I think to study and count insects/bug life they drag a smal mesh net over the heather so not that far away from the wool thing


Probably far simplier to douse ur dog with advantix/frontline every month, i find advantix works fine for my dogs 1 or 2 doses spring and 1 or 2 aug/sept time seem's to keep my dogs tick free


Possibly if u search bada or LDA sites u might come across something, i'm sure i have read that u can get patches for ur trousers that attracts the ticks into the patch rather than ur skin. I know now with midges they have midge eaters that attract the midges into a bag so u can dispose of them, dunno if something similar for tick's

Edited by scotslad
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Ticks hate one thing in particular.....tea tree oil, buy this http://www.amazon.co.uk/TREE-ESSENTIAL-Melaleuca-alternifolia-100ml/dp/B002RJF714/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1366662099&sr=8-2&keywords=tea-tree+oil


rub the coat of your dog with 5-6 drops of oil.


Garden wise

buy some ph neutral shampoo, cheap stuff, for every 500gr of shampoo mix 2 big spoon of tea tree oil aprox 10-15ml, mix all in water, 7.5L to 10L, apply to your garden with a sprayer.....within days ticks should be gone


Hope this will help

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