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Spooky Vixen.


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Went out last Saturday and it was a very windy night and after a couple of hours lamped a fox about 400yds so went after it and soon as it was lamped took of full gallop.

Had`a look about and picked it up again and of it went then lamped it for a third time in another field and it ran again up a gully so i new I would have to be quick if it showed again.

Then it showed on the bank side and popped out from behind a clump of grass and didn't look as far as it actually was, Still a long shot and a stiff wind so strait on and bang, A slight delay then a loud slap and I saw it go down stone dead.

Went to pick it up and couldn't find it in the long dead grass so gave up and moved on but never saw any more.

Went back in day light this Saturday and found it and it was further out than i thought. Range was 266yds so well pleased with the shot considering there was a stiff wind.










Edited by Ally223
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