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Identifiable range of the ns200


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Firstly, your Duralyt although a great scope with ambient light is not very good with infrared. It also has no parallax adjustment which will limit the clarity you get through the ns200. The MTC Genesis I have found to be a good compromise between quality optic in the day with a clear reticle and performance with infrared. There are others.


With this set up I can shoot quarry out to 120 yards comfortably and further on x10 mag. As you reduce magnification you let more light into the camera and can see further. But I like to shoot at x10. I can also identify eye shine out to 200. If you want to shoot at 200 on x10 then you need more focused IR. An xsearcher with two batteries will produce a clear picture at 200 at x10, but that does make the whole set up a tad bulky.


In short, try a different scope. Make sure it has PA and better still side PA. Large objective and fewer fancy coatings.

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I'd go down the x searcher route personally, the whole point of an add on is so you use your day scope. Though it may be best for nv the mtc is no where near the quality of the zeiss so you compromise for day use. I use a Z6i with an archer and that isn't perfect as it sits but add a nm800 to illuminate and its excellent no way would I want to swap the scope for something that won't perform as well

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Well, until you look through the Genesis I wouldn't be so quick to make that assumption. The duralyt is zeiss' budget scope, the Genesis is MTC's flagship. I have both and will take the zeiss off in winter to use the MTC on my 243. There's not a lot between them. The other MTC scopes I wouldn't use, the Genesis is made in a completely different factory with different glass in a different country (South Korea).


Z6i's are optically better than the Duralyt range.

Edited by mick miller
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