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Hi guys hope this is in the right section and hasnt been covered to much before.

I recently bought a semi auto the gun fits into my shoulder well but when out shooting today a friend noticed i was shooting high hitting the top of the birds. Does anyone have any tips etc i could try before i pay for a lesson with a pro to see what im doing wrong.

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lower your aim by only using 1 eye.i close 1 eye like firing a rifle and aim the bead just under what i shoot at .pratice on a pattern plate or cardboard box,when i had lessons the man said semis aim high so i compensate by aiming just below the pigeon rather than at it directly.works for me,static targets to get your aimpoint then a few rounds of clays to do moving targets .might not work for all but practice is king and cardboard boxes free atb clakk

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I would have said if your shooting high the stocks a little long. Best thing to do is pattern plate. Is this your only gun or do you use another for clays etc.. The last thing you want to do is change your gun mount to fit another gun. I would definatly find a good gun smith and have it fitted properly. it does take that unknown factor out of your shooting and just practice, like clakk says ..... there is no substitute !!

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try dry fitting first .practice putting your gun up for a shot at a fixed target and see how consistant your point of aim is or bite the bullet like i did ,pop down your clay ground and book some lessons .best thing i did 3 lessons told me wot i was oblivious too.bad habits are our way of shooting a good coach can correct this without the peetaking your m8s give.hope you get your gun seated correctly atb clack

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a similar problem and after a hours tuition all my issues where ironed out.... gun was too short, left eye was becoming active due to too much rifle shooting and presentation to the shoulder was not consistent.


Answer - new gun - close my left eye when shooting and practise mounting the gun in front of a mirror


RESULT - Not 100% yet but a significant improvement; I now down one bird in three shots......

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