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The size of your wire is most important

The Sniper

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As is the depth of the screw.


I will explain.


I have owned a pigeon rotor for the past 18 months. Ever since I bought it I have never been happy with how long batteries last ,or should I say do not last ,on it. A 7 amp version goes for half and hour and a 17 amp for about 3 hours. I have put up with it for all this time but the other day when I really needed it , as the birds were coming in lovely , it packed up due to a lack of spare batteries.


So I took it to see the local rotor doctor.


His first comment was " Why does tha need all this chuffing wire ?" I had never given it a thought, but there was 20 feet of wire on it. " Chop the ****** in half , in fact ,get the sen some new stuff and have it half as long as tha had".


He had a fiddle with it and released the screw/nipple a bit on the wiper blade motor. " Goo and try that " he said.


Well ,after replacing the wire ,and shortening it , I gave it a trial run. I was gobsmacked to see my rotor performing for at least 1 3/4 hours on a 7 amp battery.


So the moral of the story is ,size is not always important ,and be careful how far you screw it in :beer:


Seriously though, have we any sparkies who can explain what was happening :lol:

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Long wires with a samll guage will increase resistance giving less battery life.


If you put a thicker shorter wire on its easier for the leccy to get to the motor so there's less resistance. More resistance decreases your battery life and vice versa.


The main reason your battery is lasting longer is probably bceause he undid the screw on the side of the motor. That screw acts like a brake making it harder work for the motor to turn. The harder it has to work the more battery juice its goin to gobble up. You can actually slow down the speed of your rotor by tightening the screw on the side but it makes your battery life much less.

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