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laws of shooting


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Yup Chaps,


..an excerpt of the relevant legislation...


Night Shooting of Ground Game

14.20 The relevant provisions are:

England and Wales

The use of firearms at night for shooting ground game is prohibited under section 6 of the Ground Game Act 1880 – night-time is between the expiration of the first hour after sunset and the last hour before sunrise.

Schedule 7 of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981 provides an exception for occupiers of land, or one other person authorised by them, to use firearms at night for the purpose of killing ground game if the occupier has the written authority of a person entitled to kill or take the ground game on that land, that is the holder of the shooting rights.


But note, Bunnies are a different matter!


Pests Act 1954

14.23 Under the Pests Act 1954, the whole of England and Wales, apart from the City of London, the Isles of Scilly and Skokholm Island, has been declared a rabbit clearance area. Within this area, occupiers of land have a continuing obligation to kill or take any wild rabbits living on, or resorting to, their land, or to prevent the rabbits from causing damage elsewhere by, for example, fencing them in with rabbit-proof fencing. Failure to fulfil these obligations may lead to the occupier being prosecuted or the work carried out at their expense.


Wordy I know but "horses mouth" and all eh? :lol:

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Yes Adamo, basically here you need a certificate for shotguns and a FAC for rifles.


Airguns only have certain age related restrictions on them at the moment but no licence is required for ones 12ft/lbs power or under.Over that power they are classed as fireams and need to go on a FAC. :lol:

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