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Hard Work Buck...


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I decided to have a try at the local farm...been seeing plenty Roe on it, and the farmer asked me to remove a couple...one for him, one for me.....so, Saturday last, was up early, only a doe there at about 50yds..., but left her in peace, and went for a walk round the farm....I spent most of the day just wandering round the farm killing time...



Went home for lunch, as it's literally 30 seconds from my house...and went back up in the afternoon, to see 3 bucks, and 3 does !! waited for what seemed like an eternity......but no shot....sat there all day waiting...and decided at 8 pm to head home..

Sunday, left it till the afternoon as I had another farm to visit, (where I got a vixen as she came out the brand new earth that I had found a couple of weeks before)...... :)

So, again, waited for the bucks to show, as only one Doe was feeding...then two more young does came out, and started "sparring"...just like young bucks...never seen the like before, my mate Billy was with me, and he too had'nt seen this behavior before.... wish I had my camera with me. Then, in the blink of an eye, two bucks came out from behind the bushes...one bigger than the other...we decided I was going to take the smaller one, a nice 6 pointer still in velvet......I had to wait another 30 mins till it presented itself...it started "sniffing" one of the younger does, and was in a perfect position....at 130 yds...I took the shot, it dropped , I cycled another round... it tried to stand, and fell back...dead...


VERY hard work this weekend, but great to see so many Roe on my land..and well worth the end result....





.now, one for the farmer next weekend... :)



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Thanks for the kind words guys.... anyone that knows me, knows that patience aint one of my virtues...but my mate Billy is an ex pro stalker out of the highlands, ( Reds, Sika,and Fallow...) and it was him that almost nailed my feet to the ground...:)


I must admit, it also gave me plenty time to sit and watch some of the ground...saw loads of Rabbits, and I thought I'd shot them all...:)


I'll give it a week or so, and go have another look...I'm out tomorrow afternoon/evening on a larger farm...will report back........:)

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