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proof testing


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Hi outthere :good: i am looking to pick up a old gun which has damascus barrels and is originally

black powder is it possable to nitro proof these barrels ? ( providing the condition of the barrels

is ok to start with ?)

Has anyone had any experience of doing this ? and whats involved ?

regards dogs

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You just need to send it to either of the proof houses and they will do it. However, if it fails it will be returned in bits.


It's probably just better to shoot it with black powder loads or light loaded nitro ones which don't exceed the pressure of black loads.



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A old damascus barrelled gun of a 'known' make in good condition, particularly British can be an attractive proposition and particularly so if nitro proofed. If the gun appears to be sound to you, get this confirmed by a 'smith and if he is like minded, then off to the proof house with it. It is of no matter should you specify the modern equivalent to the old 11/8oz level as it is highly likely that no one would want to shoot anything heavier with it anyway.


I've no idea of costs but proof testing is an inexpensive routine task and how much can a 'smith charge for half an hour of his time? Bet the carriage will cost the most!

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Guest cookoff013

Hi outthere :good: i am looking to pick up a old gun which has damascus barrels and is originally

black powder is it possable to nitro proof these barrels ? ( providing the condition of the barrels

is ok to start with ?)

Has anyone had any experience of doing this ? and whats involved ?

regards dogs


worst case scenario, reload blackpowder or a substitute.

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