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Winchester sub 22 v fiocci sub

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Hi all I'm going to buy another 500 tomorrow and the shop I get them from also has fiocci subs ?

Iv always used winnys and never had a prob but the fiocci are £10 cheaper ?!?

Is there any difference in performance or shall I just stick with the winchesters

Ps it's for a cz



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Despite the price difference, if you've always used Winchester's, then I would say stick to what you know is good. You could however, get a box of Fiocci just to see if there are any noticable differences.

I've used Winchester SuperX sub sonic ammunition since the 1980's. Then, it was a 38grn head instead of the 'new' 40grn. I must have fired many 1000's of this ammo' and never had any problems, bar the odd misfire.

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