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Dealing with the public whilst Shooting

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An important point about breaking your gun and making it seen to be "safe" when approached by anyone. Another thing that you quite rightly said is to try not to be confrontational!

I'm not sure that I entirely agree with you about waiting till rabbits are cold before gutting them. You are right about the blood, but if you are having a busy session and getting quite a few rabbits it pays to gut them as and when you shoot them to make less weight to carry - The guts etc make up about 35-40% of the rabbits weight and can be a lot of extra weight to carry once you have half a dozen or more to carry about - But that's just the way that I like to work - Everyone to their own"

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As it happens I had to gut a rabbit in the field today as I wanted to give it to the farmers wife. So much blood! I prefer to wait until it settles and congeals a little. But yes sometimes you don't have a choice. New video will be up soon, I just got home :)

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Good point FalconFN although I don't generally shoot that many! I think for me a big part of it is that I was brought up with ferrets and my dad has them now. So for me it seems a bit of a waste throwing the guts away in the field as I can feed them to the ferrets and it's also easier once the blood has settled and congealed. But, like I said, if I had lot's of rabbits in one go I'd probably think differently!

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