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Instant interest, and then....

Tim Kelly

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How many times do you set up and before you're back in the hide almost there are birds, or a bird or two at least coming in to have a look, then that's it for ages? Seems to happen a lot to me. A couple of early shots then it goes very cold. Are the ones that come in straight away local birds, and once you've had a shot or two you've scared all the birds in the immediate vicinity away? Seems a little puzzling to me.

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Probably true Motty, though I always look for the area that seem to have a bit of traffic before setting up. I rarely seem to get a day to go out where there are any real strong signs about where to go though. I suppose if I had more land to look round and more time to look I might find better opportunities, but trying to make the best of what's available it seems strange to me that what looks like the best chance so often produces immediately, and then it just dries up.

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